Airpod - A Car which need AIR to Move...

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  • In the last hour, the world consumption of petroleum products was in more than 100 million gallons.

    In the U.S., has 200 000 miles of pipeline, 170 000 service stations and 243 million vehicles with fuels derived from petroleum.

    Guy Negre, a former aerospace and Formula One engineer, hopes to change all that. He invented a compressed air technology for cars.

    The founder of Negro and CEO of Motor Development International (MDI SA) based in Luxembourg, with facilities for research and development in Nice, France.

    The AirPod is a small four-wheeled mini-car that uses compressed air to move the pistons in an engine 5.45 hp combustion.

    And 'the range of 60 miles on one tank of air and uses a small motor to compress outside air to keep the tank full.

    The compressor can run on petrol, diesel, biodiesel, ethanol or vegetable oil, but can also connect the battery.

    With regular gasoline fueling compressor, a stunning 106 mpg they Airpod average with a range of 800 miles.

    With the demand for inexpensive, user-friendly, ultra high mileage vehicles have zero emissions to global warming - Airpod receives much attention.

    Air France and KLM airlines carry passengers to use AirPods on arrival and departure gates at the airports of Paris and Amsterdam.

    Auto manufacturer Tata Motors has purchased the manufacturing rights in India. Zero Pollution Motors has purchased the rights to the U.S. market since 2011 and expects production to 8,000 vehicles a year in the U.S..

    Licensing agreements for other countries is currently underway.


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