IPhone 5

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  • For the first time in three years, Apple has not launched a new iPhone at W.W.D.C combined. They showed us iOS 5, but then told us that we must wait until September to get our hands on it. What is wrong with that? All signs point to a new mobile strategy of our friends at Apple ...

    So - where is it? The five iPhone or 4S, or 4G, or whatever it's called. Obviously, this is not at W.W.D.C - any other way. There is not even a whisper about Apple's conference. Journalists, bloggers and analysts seem to think that the next generation of Apple phone is destined to appear in September, October or maybe. With five IOS now set to decline in September, which makes sense.

    I hate to break with Apple, but a lot of people to listen to blogs and live video for some reason on Monday, seeing or hearing something about the upcoming iPhone. Of course, everyone cares about Leon and the I.O.S, and people certainly care icloud really get to use. But the faithful to listen at the same time, this year as last year and the year before hearing about this new iPhone, and got nothing. This is a solid indication of Apple to change the course of its strategy to handset.

    It 'clear that at this moment, the plan for Apple iPhone is quite simple. Sell ​​the new iPhone (iPhone 4, for the moment) the highest price, and the last model (iPhone 3Gs for the moment) less. A quick check at any carrier that offers the iPhone in the world shows that 3G is a "low end" iPhone and iPhone 4 is a "High End" is the iPhone.

    For Apple, the problem is simple - this is terrible. Having a predictable release cycle year, Apple itself at an impasse when it comes to market segmentation. No iPhone available from companies ... only two. So far, since Apple was new to the mobile market, which was enough. Players who are set in the game, it is not. By changing the release date of June and fall, have plenty of room to make changes.

    The iPhone has an iPod

    Earlier this year, rumors surfaced that Cupertino  was to develop a compact, cheaper iPhone in which journalists dubbed the "iPhone Nano". Although this seemed almost absurd to anyone with information about the mobile industry, it seems equally clear that many more. Why? It's simple - it's the same strategy used in Apple's iPod. Provide a high-end market, offering low-priced mid-end model that some may also accept a second device, and cough something then meets the low end. iPod, iPod Mini, iPod Nano. Simple. But - and this strategy does not work for mobile devices, thanks to the development of smartphones and smartphone manufacturers innovations rapidly.

    Apple can not release a low end phone. It has no market share (currently 17% of the global market for smart phones), and market segmentation. There is no way that the iPhone will not be satisfied with the "feature phone" people who want a rugged phone for things like ... make phone calls. With its fifth generation of mobile phones should appear, Apple has only a 4% share of colossal 430 million phones sold every year in the global market.

    iPhone 5: update, iPhone updated 4

    Think about it for a second. What if Apple moved its annual update of the iPhone calendar half-year? The next iPhone comes out in September or October, the sixth generation of the iPhone will land later in March or April. This is a major change that took a lot of stress of the iPhone, when the team can relax and not to make a giant blockbuster designs each year, to impress the crowds and set a new standard market leader. Instead, Apple can - as producers Android - Inauguration of gradual changes, from design to date and to offer a wider range of handsets that it currently can.

    Image of Apple's line of this provision: the current iPhone 4, September / October 4S launched the iPhone, the iPhone has launched, sometimes five in the spring, 5S, and the iPhone was launched in the autumn of 2012 . Suddenly, Apple is now the market segmentation, can provide four different phones into four different price ranges, and also the differentiation of the properties are offered to capture some of the other markets have not yet penetrated. This would increase the deepest in the region is dominated by iPhone and Android, which clung to their lives, RIM - the company, Apple firmly declared war on the I.O.S IMessage 5 app, a clone of the popular RIM B.B.M


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